Tuesday, 8 November 2016

'Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction', Anonym

How does student's life look like?

Who has never heard from their friends who have already had such experience of student's life that this period was the best one of theirs? It is rarely to meet such a person. I was told like trillion times that I am going to enjoy every day of it....And I do, don't get me wrong. However, there are some things that nobody didn't dare to say about them.

Here are myths and guidelines for these ones who are not aware of what it means....:)

1. Burning the midnight oils is going to be the part of your everyday life- this is so true. Believe me, it is not possible to go to sleep before the midnight. Even if you do, you cannot fall asleep as there are still some thoughts on your mind which don't allow you to do so. Such things like ' Hmmm, I have to start writing this essay' , ' Maybe I should get down to work and read at least several pages of a textbook' or ' No time for sleep- you have to catch up...'. Simply to say if you want to go to sleep, you can't go to sleep. The only thing you really want to do is to get rid of this little voice in your head. 

First, second, third sleepless night... and you look like and behave like a zombie. I am pretty sure that students play the extras in 'The walking dead'. After couple of days where the amount of sleep is so low that you barely remember what your name is (Yes, your favourite song is going to be Rihanna's song 'What's my name'), every morning you keep asking yourself whether everything is worth doing and if you are smart enough to study. Let me show you the questions which are worth taking look at them and answering for. 

A. Have I chosen the right course for me?
B. Am I intelligent enough to keep studying it?
C. Is there any sense in doing such a thing?
D. Will I ever find a job which I want after graduating?

If your answer for all of the above questions is NO, that means you are wrong. At the moment of choosing the course of your studies, you were aware of what you were doing (I hope you were). If you got into university and got into this course that means you passed your final exams good enough to be accepted. I am not going to say that everybody has been thinking since the primary school what they would like to do and they hold to this plan. Well, there is the minority who of such people. But still, when it came to making a decision about our future career path, we had some ideas on our minds. And the commonly known rule is the more you want something, the better for you because you will definitely achieve it. Each of us sometimes has breakdowns but there is no point at giving in.

2.  You are going to enjoy the social life... Frankly, it depends on what kind of social life you are thinking. If you want to party all night long, every day, then you are in the right place. But if you want to have less active social life, for example watching movies with friends, you are also in the right place. The one which is definitely certain is the fact you are going to meet plenty of different people. Some of them will be found by you strange and weird. The other will become your lifelong friends. Who knows. Don't be afraid of talking to other people. You might find some people who share your interests or even your way of thinking (like me- it turned up to be that I ain't the only person who wants to make a transfer after my first year). Summing up this argument, I can only admit that you will enjoy your social life as long as you will want it.

3. Prepare for changing your 'living address'. I am not talking about your residential halls' address or wherever you are going to rent a room/flat. The library is going to to be your new home. And a good piece of advice, find your favourite spot out there- it must be cosy with easy access to the plugs. Like mine- a beautiful leather armchair with a huge number of dictionaries set up on the shelves and on the right I've got a beautiful view of the sea. Sounds great, doesn't it? This spot is really important. Here you are going to spend your nights and even experience some mental breakdowns(but remember, you cannot shout in the library). So if we have already gone through this, the only thing which is needed to be mentioned as the following one is your relationship status.

4. You might find the love of your life at uni. I know some people who have met their partners during their studies. However, I have just started my uni, and still, I got no boyfriend and I am off to change my relationship status on facebook into 'in a relationship.... with library'. I have always been thinking that I would never experience any excitement if I were not with somebody. I was wrong. The excitement which I felt yesterday after submitting my essay is equal to one that I had after 'the great night full of love' (pardon me, I am becoming a new Bridget Jones). 

Sometimes you cannot stop thinking that the student's life is sad. No boyfriend, excitement when you finish writing assingments, sleepless nights which cause that you don't even try to look better because you know that the next cup of coffe will not rescue you. Above all, it is really great. Even if I am changing my uni, I am happy that I am a student. It is like a bootcamp. You are becoming a new Rambo. 

The only thing which I keep repeating every morning is ' I am the fighter' and it is true. I recommend you the same way of thinking. It is never so bad that you cannot see the bright side. 

Only 204 days to go, wohoo :)

Keep fighting, don't give up :)