Tuesday, 8 November 2016

'Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction', Anonym

How does student's life look like?

Who has never heard from their friends who have already had such experience of student's life that this period was the best one of theirs? It is rarely to meet such a person. I was told like trillion times that I am going to enjoy every day of it....And I do, don't get me wrong. However, there are some things that nobody didn't dare to say about them.

Here are myths and guidelines for these ones who are not aware of what it means....:)

1. Burning the midnight oils is going to be the part of your everyday life- this is so true. Believe me, it is not possible to go to sleep before the midnight. Even if you do, you cannot fall asleep as there are still some thoughts on your mind which don't allow you to do so. Such things like ' Hmmm, I have to start writing this essay' , ' Maybe I should get down to work and read at least several pages of a textbook' or ' No time for sleep- you have to catch up...'. Simply to say if you want to go to sleep, you can't go to sleep. The only thing you really want to do is to get rid of this little voice in your head. 

First, second, third sleepless night... and you look like and behave like a zombie. I am pretty sure that students play the extras in 'The walking dead'. After couple of days where the amount of sleep is so low that you barely remember what your name is (Yes, your favourite song is going to be Rihanna's song 'What's my name'), every morning you keep asking yourself whether everything is worth doing and if you are smart enough to study. Let me show you the questions which are worth taking look at them and answering for. 

A. Have I chosen the right course for me?
B. Am I intelligent enough to keep studying it?
C. Is there any sense in doing such a thing?
D. Will I ever find a job which I want after graduating?

If your answer for all of the above questions is NO, that means you are wrong. At the moment of choosing the course of your studies, you were aware of what you were doing (I hope you were). If you got into university and got into this course that means you passed your final exams good enough to be accepted. I am not going to say that everybody has been thinking since the primary school what they would like to do and they hold to this plan. Well, there is the minority who of such people. But still, when it came to making a decision about our future career path, we had some ideas on our minds. And the commonly known rule is the more you want something, the better for you because you will definitely achieve it. Each of us sometimes has breakdowns but there is no point at giving in.

2.  You are going to enjoy the social life... Frankly, it depends on what kind of social life you are thinking. If you want to party all night long, every day, then you are in the right place. But if you want to have less active social life, for example watching movies with friends, you are also in the right place. The one which is definitely certain is the fact you are going to meet plenty of different people. Some of them will be found by you strange and weird. The other will become your lifelong friends. Who knows. Don't be afraid of talking to other people. You might find some people who share your interests or even your way of thinking (like me- it turned up to be that I ain't the only person who wants to make a transfer after my first year). Summing up this argument, I can only admit that you will enjoy your social life as long as you will want it.

3. Prepare for changing your 'living address'. I am not talking about your residential halls' address or wherever you are going to rent a room/flat. The library is going to to be your new home. And a good piece of advice, find your favourite spot out there- it must be cosy with easy access to the plugs. Like mine- a beautiful leather armchair with a huge number of dictionaries set up on the shelves and on the right I've got a beautiful view of the sea. Sounds great, doesn't it? This spot is really important. Here you are going to spend your nights and even experience some mental breakdowns(but remember, you cannot shout in the library). So if we have already gone through this, the only thing which is needed to be mentioned as the following one is your relationship status.

4. You might find the love of your life at uni. I know some people who have met their partners during their studies. However, I have just started my uni, and still, I got no boyfriend and I am off to change my relationship status on facebook into 'in a relationship.... with library'. I have always been thinking that I would never experience any excitement if I were not with somebody. I was wrong. The excitement which I felt yesterday after submitting my essay is equal to one that I had after 'the great night full of love' (pardon me, I am becoming a new Bridget Jones). 

Sometimes you cannot stop thinking that the student's life is sad. No boyfriend, excitement when you finish writing assingments, sleepless nights which cause that you don't even try to look better because you know that the next cup of coffe will not rescue you. Above all, it is really great. Even if I am changing my uni, I am happy that I am a student. It is like a bootcamp. You are becoming a new Rambo. 

The only thing which I keep repeating every morning is ' I am the fighter' and it is true. I recommend you the same way of thinking. It is never so bad that you cannot see the bright side. 

Only 204 days to go, wohoo :)

Keep fighting, don't give up :)

Sunday, 23 October 2016

' Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain' , Vivian Greene

It's been while since my last post... How can I explain this? Hmmm, being pretty busy or quite lazy to do anything- both of these explanations (or how one may say 'excuses') are right. I have no idea when all this time has passed... Sometimes it is sad when we realise how short our lives is. On the other hand. it's motivating, isn't it? There are days when we feel like in a cage of time; that we're trapped. But it's not like this at all. Once I have read ' Your only limit is you'. Guess the author of these words knew what he was writing about. 

Day by day we build our cage if we are not brave enough to do something with the plans which we already set up in our minds. It's really easy to think that it'd be good to do something (although I'm not denying it ain't good) and at the same time not to take any step towards achieving this.  Obviously, our attitude is important. Each of us has better and worse days when we are full of energy and new great ideas or it's we feel completely opposite to this. It's really important not to give up when the time like this comes. The truth is that we can test our charisma and personality by experiencing such moments. We might get only stronger and it is the advantage of this kind of situation. Not only one. By trying to look at our problems etc. from the different point of view- more positive- we can always find a solution and the good sides of it. 

Overcoming the obstacles seems to be like the never ending marathon. Whenever we see the end of one problem, there is quite often another one following this. However, by trying to be more reserved, this marathon is not overwhelming. We can get to our aims easily even 'when it's raining outside'. 
Honestly, I'm not trying to persuade you to make you believe me that I'm the perfect one that has no problems and even when there are some of them, I deal with this in a great way. I have also really bad moments when the only thing which I do during my day is staying in my bed. But I know I am on my good way because I am trying to make my dreams come true by being more systematic etc. And I want to share my bad or good moments with you just to let you know that there's always a good side. Although it won't be easy for me to fulfil my plans, I am I can do it because I am 'a nasty woman'!

Some tips how to be more efficient on the way to achieve your goals which I have found:

  1. Set goals that motivate you - DONE
  2. Set smart goals - yep, I have a problem with this... Need to be more patient but - oh, well- it's all me :P But seriously we cannot expect everything to happen as we want it just straight away, for example, you cannot speak fluently one language after spending on learning only a few hours (or you can if you're so intelligent- good for you! )
  3. Set goals in writing - DONE 
  4. Make an action plan- DONE (not only once)
  5. Stick with it- and here we start our game... 
I think I have already put the fifth tip into the action and I hope you did( or you will do ) the same :) 

Only 220 days left (wohoo...:))
It's less than I expected it to be :) Stay optimistic- the motto for the upcoming week !

Friday, 14 October 2016

" Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it", Napoleon Hill

The day has just started but I already want it to be finished.... Aw, I have such a huge problem with waking up early. I said to myself "Yes, I will wake up early every morning" ( it was kinda like saying "YES, WE CAN") and it turned to be that I'm not able to do it. I have no clue how it is possible but I cannot hear when the alarm goes off.... I sleep like a log!!! This has its own advantages 'cause I live in the student halls, I haven't got any problem with going to sleep even when there is a huge party downstairs (Yay). However, the biggest disadvantage is that I cannot set up a routine and believe me, I am really willing to do it... Today morning I found some tips how to start waking up early. Here is what I found:

1. The toughest part of the morning si simply getting out of a bed - Haha, this is so true... Remember when you have heard about the importance of daily exercises and that it is quite good to do them in the morning to launch your day in a truly great way? I can't disagree with it, but on the another hand, my morning exercises include such things like trying to open my eyes. I am not kidding. It's quite difficult to succeed in this especially when you're thinking that another 5 minutes won't have any impact on time which you will wake up at... Yes, these 5 minutes are always turning into another HOUR of sleep... 

2. Cultivate a mental environment- This tip includes such things like listening to podcasts related to waking up early or reading about people who were early risers. Once I have read that those who are successful wake up early... Well, it might be possible. Let's look at it from the "mathematical" point of view. If day has 24 hours and we need approximately 6-8 hours (it is said to be the average length  of sleep for an adult), we have 16-18 hours left to do something incredible!!! (or just to study law- yeah, that's my world :P)... Otherwise, if we sleep longer or -as several people prefer saying- we hit the pillow and lost conscious for another hour, we have less time to do what we are supposed to do or we want. And this is the mystery of how to be successful. To be honest, I hadn't believed in this till the moment when I had few good days of waking up early and realised that it was the truth indeed. 
To people who are early birds, we can include for example: 
  • Michelle Obama (she starts her day at 4:30 AM)
  • Tim Cook- Apple CEO (he wakes up at 4:30 AM as well)
  • John Grisham (5 AM is the time when he launches his day to start writing later on)
But obviously, we don't have to wake up at this time. Let's say 6 AM will be the great time to start our day at, hah?:)

3.  Sleep well- we are advised to go to sleep at a reasonable time so we can get enough sleep to wake up early and to have a great amount of energy to kick start our day... Yes, but if you work full-time, or you are a student, mother(it's also the full-time job!), or you are into doing something really important for you and so on, going to sleep at 8/9 PM is not possible. Usually, you go to bed at around the midnight, don't you? Simply, it's important to give our body enough sleep to recover and to let it rest before a new day.

4. Never snooze- Ha! And it is my problem... The surprising thing regarding this is that I do remember only snoozing the first alarms (I have about 14 alarms set up) and I don't remember how it happened that the rest of them is snoozed... Weird, isn't it? I found the explanation for this at last. Simply to say, my mind starts ignoring when the other alarms go off... Ugh, there is no chance to win with my mind, so better for me if I stop snoozing the alarms... Fingers crossed I will not do it tomorrow...

5. Stick to your time - it's the last tip which I find useful. It's saying that we need to wake up every morning at the same time. By doing this, we build our routine... No matter if it's Saturday or any other day which is a day-off for us. The routine is the foundation for everything( I guess we are all aware of it).

So these are tips which I found on the website called http://goinswriter.com/wake-up-early/ and think they are pretty good and pretty obvious as well! Tomorrow is going to be the next attempt- good luck to myself Xx

Only 239 days left...
Let me go... 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

"If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?", Steve Jobs

Ugh, last days were amazingly horrible... No sleep, burning the midnight oils and wondering how I should write my essay for which I have a month to hand in... Yeah, welcome to my life. Anyway, has anybody been watching the recent president debate on Sunday(09/10)? I did. 

Quick review- both candidates, Mr Donald Trump and Mrs Hillary Clinton, were playing a really bad game. It was quite obvious when Mrs Clinton said about Mr Trump's opinion regarding women and et cetera(by the way it was awful what he said),  he would definitely mention issues regarding Mr Clinton who was accused by some women of sexual misconduct and Mr Trump said that indeed. How predictable it was. If I may express my opinion about it, Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton are worth each other. It is sad to admit but I can't say that it is going in the right direction. And I am saying it in general. If we cannot find a good candidate for a president, how will the world look like in (let's say) 30 years? It's a bit scary even to imagine this. However it might be also motivating for some people.  There are so many ways by which one may become a more active citizen. We need to be more conscious of what is happening around us. I am sure many of us just pretend that they cannot see anything because they don't like politics and so on. I do understand this totally. But by pretending nothing good will happen in the world, won't it?  Probably it's too early to think about such issues...

Let's talk about it later on :)))

Have a wonderful day everyone Xx

232 days left...
Lots of sleep, lots of energy to... study:P and then heading to do a late evening run with my favourite song that I run with x

Saturday, 8 October 2016

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress", Frederick Douglass

Things which I learned today:

Firstly, never say that you cannot do something. Who says it will be easy to achieve something? Well, the truth is it ain't a piece of cake. We need to endeavour and that is for sure. However it's definitely worth trying and fighting for what you want. It is said that the first step to success is to believe in it. So.... I have just ordered new textbooks to improve my French (I'm devastated after my last French classes... I will comment it maybe another time) and tbh I knew I wouldn't do everything at once... but I need to admit I really enjoyed it :) 

Another example regarding what I mentioned in the first sentence in this paragraph is recent women protest in streets in Poland. Girls, we've got the real power. It is not the first situation which strengthened my belief in women. And don't take it as one of these feminist slogans. This is not the time to consider whether it is or is not. Anyway, I am sure the latest protest in so many Polish cities and also the campaign which was running on the Internet (#my body #my choice) showed that the women are not speechless. It is quite sad to think that still in the twenty-first century we, women,  need to speak up to fight for our rights. I am so proud being a woman and I am over the moon       when I am thinking about those men who say that they support us. One thing but gives me so much hope in humanity :* 

Secondly, never wear the floaty dress when it's windy outside... Obviously you can, but come on, I am not Marilyn Monroe! I was going to the library in the afternoon today, being so happy because I did my morning run and surprised at the same time  at being in such a good mood as yesterday I was down in the dumbs(story regarding my French classes- maybe another time will say about it), when suddenly the wind blew my dress up... I felt so embarrassed- so many people walking behind me saw my bum !!! Ugh, another good lesson and just another great day in my life...

Thirdly, the Japanese are wonderful people ! I had my Japanese class yesterday as I started to learn this amazing language ( I will see if it will still be so amazing to me in some time... Joking) and the teacher was cheerful all the time. But it is not as important as the fact that the Japanese are such modest people. I was studying the basic words and when we got to the words such as "sensei", "san", she was describing the difference and said to us that she doesn't want to be introduced as 'sensei' as the Japanese put everybody else higher than themselves. They have huge respect to everyone... I suppose that maybe we study their language but also so many people should start studying their ways of treating another person.

235 days left... 
No wine... Happy with no good reason- this is going to be examined by a psychologist in future

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

"If I waited till I felt like writing, I'd never write at all', Anne Tyler

Well this is my first post... Hmm, what should I start with?


10 minutes later... Haha, I was just joking. Alright, so maybe I should introduce myself briefly- I think it would be nice to know who writes to you. I have been living in the UK since May 2015 (don't worry I do remember the exact date :)) but originally I come from Krakow. It is an amazing city-believe me. It's one of these cities which never goes to sleep. You can enjoy every single day hanging out with your friends, going to the pub or spending time on your own with a good book in one of the local cafes. I used to go the high school in the city centre and I can even recall my first day out there... I was so elated that I was going to the school which was within the area of these great monuments, cafes, theatres... Simply to say it was like my first step in a big world. However after first few days there was no magic anymore. Being stuck in traffic every single day, going on the morning bus which was fully packed (a good side of it: I discovered a new yoga position, namely hieroglyph- and nope, I am not pulling your legs this time), and burning the midnight oils because I forgot to write an essay or just because I wanted to study. On the day of graduation I got to know how great it was to feel happiness. Yeah, I was happy at last! And then the time to pack myself came as I had decided to study in the UK (tbh I had been dreaming about it since I was 10 or 11). The day when I had my flight was at the same time the happiest and the saddest one. Perhaps one of you will understand me. Seeing my dad crying is the most heartbreaking thing in the world - he has been always anchoring me... ;( Such days are really hard to go through and thus we might think it will never ever be as good as it used to be. 

It will, I promise, just give some time. 

So I arrived to Plymouth and was quite excited about what might happen to me in a new place. After two or three weeks, I got my first job. It was supposed to be only a temporary one as I got into Derby University. Two months passed so quickly- I met wonderful people and the bad ones as well. I started feeling like at home in Plymouth. And that was a big surprise to me. Let me explain this to you. Krakow is a place where there are a lot of people partying, sightseeing or whatever, and then we look at Plymouth... I am sure most of you has seen the movie which is called 'I am a legend' with Will Smith as Robert Neville. When you go for a walk after 5/6 PM, it is highly possible that you find yourself as the only one human walking on the pavement in Plymouth... However there is something in this city, some magic. Keeping in my mind that 'life goes on', I was going to Derby to start a new chapter in my life. And then it happened... I felt so bad in this city. I was trying to make myself like it. But I just couldn't. It was like the intuition- I knew it was not a place for me. After few days I was on the train, coming back to Plymouth. I started working in the factory where I used to work before 'my trip to Derby' and I got into college to do the law course. I kept saying that it was going to be only a year, only 365 days. Actually it was. I applied to Plymouth University and to Aberystwyth University and to another three universities in the UK. I got the offer from each of them and when the time came to decide which one I wanted to choose, I took a decision that Aberystwyth University would be the best for my future career path... I was thinking like this at that time. 

I moved into Aberystwyth two weeks ago and I must admit I have the same intuition as I had in Derby. However don't think I'm immature and cannot move on due to being scared of another chapter in my life. No, I'm fully conscious while saying that I'm mature. I have grown up for this year. However I felt disappointed as I found out that all of these opportunities which I could have during my time in Aberystwyth were out of date. 

Aberystwyth is a lovely place. Although it is a small town, it's a perfect holiday destination. Yes, Im right saying that. You can put your feet up and totally forget about the real life. However it's not my cup of tea to live in such place. And then I realised how foolish I was that I didn't choose the Plymouth University... again. And yes, I am coming back to Plymouth but after my first, as I found out that I can do a transfer. 

So 238 days till my third coming back to Plymouth. I decided to give 100% of me in this academic year and take an advantage of these days in here. 

Aw, I think I forgot to mention that I study law with French but I am totally sure that you would find out as my posts will include some 'legal ingredients'.

Only 238 days left...
Current mood: what can I say? Another ordinary day...